About me
Welcome! I am an incoming assistant professor in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences (IEMS) and the Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) at Northwestern University. Currently, I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Industrial and Operations Engineering at the University of Michigan, advised by Dr. Raed Al Kontar. My research is driven by the need for novel statistical and optimization methodologies addressing scientific and engineering challenges across diverse domains, including distributed data ecosystems, Digital Twins, and smart manufacturing. I am also interested in investigating the theoretical underpinnings of these methods. In particular, my current research in personalized, collaborative, and decentralized data analytics explores computational techniques to integrate knowledge from multiple sources and builds tailored machine-learning models.
Featured papers
A few topics of my research are introduced below.
Personalized PCA: Decoupling Shared and Unique Features Naichen Shi, Raed Al Kontar. Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR), 2024. Link, Video, Code.
Personalized Federated Learning via Domain Adaptation with an Application to Distributed 3D Printing Naichen Shi, Raed Al Kontar. Technometrics, 2023. Link, Code.
Here is a more comprehensive list of publications. You can also check my Google scholar profile.
September 2024: Our paper, “Multi-physics Simulation Guided Generative Diffusion Models with Applications in Fluid and Heat Dynamics,” is selected as the finalist for the QSR best paper competition in INFORMS, 2024!
September 2024: Our paper, “Triple Component Matrix Factorization: Untangling Global, Local, and Noisy Components,” is selected as the winner for the Data Mining best paper competition in INFORMS, 2024!
July 2024: I presented our paper, “Multi-physics Simulation Guided Generative Diffusion Models with Applications in Fluid and Heat Dynamics”, at ICQSR 2024, in Como, Italy.
June 2024: Our paper, “Triple Component Matrix Factorization: Untangling Global, Local, and Noisy Components”, won the Wilson prize!
October 2023: Our paper, “Personalized Tucker Decomposition: Modeling Commonality and Peculiarity on Tensor Data”, is selected as the finalist of the INFORMS 2023 QSR best refereed paper competition!
October 2023: Our paper, “Heterogeneous Matrix Factorization: When features differ by datasets”, is selected as the finalist of the INFORMS 2023 best student paper competition!
July 2023: I am selected as the instructor of the small course of IOE 202 Operations Engineering and Analytics!
June 2023: I presented at ICQSR 2023 on the topic of heterogeneous matrix factorization!